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happy new year, a "godly system"


Babylon 5 has this really cool group of "people" called *rangers.*  they have this saying, "we live for the4 one, we die for the one."  the "one" they are speaking of is mot "one person" in a traditional way.  you see "the one" is actually a trinity - the one before, the one now and the one to come - spirituality in a postmodern culture.  but that is not what i wanted to talk about.  i wanted to talk about the way most of us view "the one."  you see, for most people "the one" is "themselves."  you see, we are the ones we worry about - if it does not benefit "me" it is not worth doing.  for us, when we say "we" we simply mean a collective "i." 


everything we do we do for ourselves; if it does not benefit us, we want nothing to do with it.  God wants us to live one way, and we want to live another.  let's look at the worldly system:


1)  hard work will get you all you need,  success is based on our measure of wealth.  the more stuff we have the better we.

2)  you are the master of your own destiny.  do as you want and be the person you want to be - you call the shots.

3)  money is the driving force of all people.  the golden rule, "he who has the most gold, rules."

4)  win at all costs.  look out for number one, no one else will.

5)  seek personal pleasure.


now, someone once said that we may be motivated by these factors, but no one will admit it.  i believe that is wrong.  we admit it regularly, everyday we do what we normally do.  recently i was watching a tv show on cnn where a widow of the twin tower disaster was speaking about the compensation the federal government was going to be giving to the families.  as i was watching, and hearing this women talk, i just sat there saying to myself - "well, were back to the greed."  you see, this women was upset because the government was going to be giving her (about 1.6 million) the same amount as a janitor in the trade center.  she was appalled that "her" government would consider her husband, and her family, equal to the janitor.  her logic was that her husband had more education and built a million dollar business by his hard work (she forgot that her husband had others working with him and helping) and good faith.  her motives are not those of a Godly system; her motives are based on her worldly system.


we have reached a point in our society were we value those who take, and we devalue those who serve.  but that is not a Godly system.  for God, the more you serve the better you are - and not service as we have come to define it; as adding to the economic growth of our community.  mainly because that is not serving, it is taking.  you see, the one who serves is not the one who owns a billion dollar company.  the one who serves is the one who cleans their offices, washes their floors and does so with love in their hearts.  serving is not making, it is giving.  for a Godly system we have a different order:


1)  all you need, God supplies.  success is based on our ability to trust in God and care for others.

2)  God is totally in control of your destiny.  nothing you can do can change that.

3)  service is the motive of all we do.  the golden rule - do to others, and you would like to have done to you.

4)  look out for the others

5)  seek the pleasure of others.


it is hard, but God calls us to put others first.  and i know what a great many think about that - they would agree.  but for them, they would want you to put them first.



pastor john


John O’Keefe is the founder of www.ginkworld.net.  John sees a desperate need for the church as a whole to change and reach a new people for Christ.  He is straightforward, honest and calls it the way it he sees it.  John is a graduate of Drew and has been a Senior Pastor and Church Planter