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jesus junk


i think for me it all started with the "wwjd" bracelets, and came to ahead when i saw the "jesus action figure, with a basket of fish."  come on!  have we lost so much of our faith that we need "jesus junk" to get us to be "more" faithful?  let me share with you some of the answers i receive from people when i say this is all junk - 


(from a parent) "my kids love it all, and if it helps keep their mind on jesus what's wrong?"  my first thought is this, keeping their mind on jesus is not the role of a 49 cent top with a smiley face and the words "jesus loves you" printed on small letter - it's the role of the parents to keep jesus centered in their lives.  to many of us parents have pushed off the responsibility of teaching our children about jesus.  we demand others do it for us.  i can remember when i was the youth pastor of a church in new jersey, parents would come to me on a regular basis telling me that i needed to teach their children about jesus and who he was and what he did for us.  when i suggested that "we" work together in this, most parents informed me they did not have the time.  when we pass the responsibility of teaching about jesus to toys made in china, we are in fact, giving up the greatest joy of our "parent life;" seeing our children come to a lasting relationship with jesus christ.


(from a pastor) "if it helps people find a deeper faith we should support it and not question it:"  does it help people develop a deeper, more meaningful faith?  what if it does not help people find a deeper faith?  can a "jesus breath mint" truly help you walk a stronger walk?  tell me, how does a yo-yo, glitter pens, kaleidoscope, or xylophone help in a persons walk with christ?  over my years as a pastor i have never had anyone come to me and say, "thank you for that 'jesus loves you' note pad; it changed my life and i found a deep meaningful relationship with jesus christ because it it."  


(from a man)  "we can use these items as a way to witness to others." so, what we are saying is that giving someone a cheep plastic pen with 'jesus loves you' and a smiley face is a good withness?  how about i go you one better - why not invite the person over your house for dinner and get to know them as a friend; then, as time passes, you share your faith with them in a personal meaningful way - sound good?  of course not; that requires a personal connection and an emotional price where you open yourself to another - but that is exactly what jesus calls us to do, get personal.  handing out tracks, pens, key chains, note pads or yo-yo' is not personal; it is anonymous with no human connection at all - even if you have your name and phone number printed all over it in bright red ink - people never call.


(from a student) "so, what your saying is that christian music is junk?"  not at all.  i actually know people who have found a relationship with jesus christ because of christian music.  i know of three youth who started to attend a church and wanted to know more about jesus, because of p.o.d..  people who seek God can find him in christian music - they use words and express emotions, people connect to both.  but if all you did was give a person a "cover" to a cd, it would do nothing.  it's the music and the sung words that move people seek God.


(from an shop owner) "by doing this we help christian companies employee christians and help spread the word."  interestingly most of the companies who produce this stuff are not christian, and do not employee "christians."  take a look for yourself; most are made in china - because it is cheap.  companies that import the items are not christian, and do not hire "christians."  while the shops that sell the items are christian and do hire christians.  so, in reality, only a small percentage of those involved are christian - how is this helping to spread the word?  then another question is this what is the goal of a christian?  is it to make money?  is it to spread the word of God?  while both are not mutually exclusive, spreading the word MUST (i had to use the cap key) come first.  we are not in the business of making money to spread our faith, we are in faith to spread the word about God.


now, as those who know me can attest, i am not a prude.  but i do think that we have gone a little out of the norm with all this "jesus junk."  i think, in our attempt to be different and "out of the world" we have developed our own little "world."  what are we teaching our children when we start buying things like "bibleman" - a superhero.  we are not "superheroes" when we follow christ and learn to walk in his way; we are simply people who love God, self and others.  we truly need to get back to the basics of our faith - people connecting to people - and not relinquish our responsibility to share our faith to "jesus junk," after all, what do other see when we given the a yo-yo that says "jesus will help with your ups and downs?"



pastor john


John O’Keefe is the founder of www.ginkworld.net.  John sees a desperate need for the church as a whole to change and reach a new people for Christ.  He is straightforward, honest and calls it the way it he sees it.  John is a graduate of Drew and has been a Senior Pastor and Church Planter