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starting a religion


if you were to start a faith today, what would you ask of your followers?  if you were to tell others that you knew how to connect directly to God, what would you say was important?  if you and your three best friends sat down to list 15 things that would be central to your new religion, what would they be and would you all agree with them 100%?


imagine this, a person you know just found a guy who is telling people he knows how to connect to God - in a direct and truly meaningful way.  as you approach, you ask what it will take for you to develop a true and lasting relationship with God.  he puts his arm around you (which makes you uncomfortable) and walks you over to a small bench and invites you to sit next to him (which continues to make you uncomfortable), then he tells you this - "sell everything you have, your house, your cars, your cell phone, your computer - everything you have, and give all the money to the poor.  you must, and this is not an option, love - truly love - your enemies and do only good to people who desire to harm you.  you must, and this is also not an option, go out of your way to help people and not out of your way to avoid people.  you must - not optional - live life ready and willing to be personally bugged at every turn of life.  you must - it's that option thing - forgive, truly forgive, everyone who has ever wronged you no matter what that wrong was or when that wrong was.  you must - you know - love everyone you meet, and be willing to go that extra mile for those in need.  you must, again, eat last and be a servant to others.  you must, bingo, give up your personal freedoms for the slavery of helping others, and you must - yup - do it with an open and accepting heart.  you must - need i say more? - be a radical and go directly against the flow of the world around you.  when you commit to this path, and open your heart to the teachings i will give you, you will see God and know him."


needless to say, you run and think this guy is totally insane.  you look at your friend and say "give everything away?  sounds communist!  love everyone?  sounds impossible.  become a willing slave to others?  slavery is just wrong and it insults our african-american brothers and sisters.  besides, all that "must" garbage is not freeing, it's filled with rules that take away the things we like to do - abuse people, control people, hate people, kill people, be greedy, self-centered and self-absorbed - we like doing these things.  if not, why do we keep doing them?  after all, any religion that won't give to me what i want, is not worth following.  your closing remark to your friend is, "a religion based on that garbage is not realistic and is not in tune with the times."  which brings out an interesting point - 



does a faith need to be in tune with the times, or do the times need to be in tune with faith?


it's the old question, which came first the chicken or the egg?  which came first, the culture of the faith?  i believe faith came first, and culture has influenced it greatly, as faith has influenced the culture greatly.  but i also believe that in america we have a "constitution faith" and not a biblical faith.  that is to say, we base our faith on individualism, self growth, democratic principles and "one person on vote."  over the past 350 plus years of the church in america we have moved away from a biblical standard and moved to a cultural standard.  we do this under the thought of "fitting in."  but, jesus is the ultimate counter-culture radical ever placed on this planet - "go against everything you know and walk 100% with God.  it's hard at times, and easy at other times.  but it is always rewarding and always uplifting."


before i go on, i must say this; i am not talking about the style of the church, that can be influenced, and should be influenced by the culture.  music style, dress, location and terms used must all fit the culture you are trying to minister for God.  but, the faith - the message, while spoken in different languages, must be the same always.  you like "punk" - go for it; you like "gospel" - go for it; no matter what you do the style can change, the message must never.


if the teachings of christ were human teachings, would they be so darn hard to do?  so, we water them down.  christ teaches "love everyone" but we say, "loving everyone is impossible."  so we don't love everyone, and because we don't love everyone we say "see, loving everyone is impossible."  let's be honest with each other, if it were easy would it be worth doing?  if it were human based, would it be counter-cultural?  come-on, it's hard enough to get people to drop a coin in a tin cup to help those in need - "sell everything you have and give it away" - get real.  love everyone?  it's easy to love the cute and cuddly, but how do you love a street bum who spends all his money on booze and smells like he has been using his shoe for a restroom?  God could not have meant them; he only meant the "barbies and kens" of this world, right?  if it was human based, we would demand justice and "kill all those who kill others."  we would demand justice and want to see justice done.  after all, God wants us to judge and execute the "rapist pedophile murders" of this world.  if it were human based, we would make gossip and backstabbing a central point for our communities.  ok, you got me - seems like a great amount of our faith is actually human based.  when it is, it loses something in the practice.  have you ever wondered how people find contradictions in the bible?  i don't think they do, i think they find contradictions between what the bible teaches and what we do - we are the contradictions.  we desire to make our faith "a good thing" for people to follow.



it's not a "good thing" it's a "God thing."


it's not a "good thing" it's a "God thing."  i believe we have taken the faith and, with good intentions, made it "easier" for people to follow.  we have taken out the bites and the counter-cultural nature of jesus and what he taught.  keeping in mind "counter-cultural" does not mean dress, style or music.  so what does it mean?  for me, simple this - 


love everyone - everyone, the hard and the easy - the cute and the not cute.

be ready to be a servant - serve others.  do not seek to be a leader, be a servant.

give - give all you have, everything you have belongs to God not to you, so be ready to give.

order - it is not, "God - country - and family," but "God, God, and God" - God is all and must be all.

radical - be radical, and see the radical nature of jesus.


when we truly understand that our faith is a radical faith, a counter-cultural faith we see our faith in action.  we reach out to the hurting, the sick and the homeless - we feed the hungry, embrace those with AIDS.  we know it is a God thing when we are willing and ready to open our homes to others and allow them to invade our personal space.  would you share your home with the homeless?  



pastor john 


John O’Keefe is the founder of www.ginkworld.net.  John sees a desperate need for the church as a whole to change and reach a new people for Christ.  He is straightforward, honest and calls it the way it he sees it.  John is a graduate of Drew and has been a Senior Pastor and Church Planter