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  GINKWORLD: VOICES: position papers  



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what does it mean to have pure motives?

What does it mean to have pure motives?  In our world, where people are always trying to get the edge, trying to get the best of someone else, it seems almost impossible to view life with pure motives.  Recently this concept came to us, and we have embraced it as part of our DNA.

One Sunday, during a Q&A, Amy Liano - a person with a deep love of God and others - came up with what we felt was the most wonderful understanding of who we are and what to accomplish.  She said, "We were a community of 'pure motives.'" In just two words (pure motives) Amy defined what we desired to become - and the basis of our core DNA - Pure Motives.  We spent an extra half-hour talking about what it means to be a "community of faith based on pure motives."  It was an exciting discussion, where we all agreed on what it meant to have pure motives.

To be a community of faith based on pure motives we need to first have a true and honest desire to know you, for you, and not for what you can do for us.  That's right, pure motives means we want to get to know you, for you.  Our motives in getting to know you are not based on anything.  We do not care about your income, your race, your ethic background, your marriage status, your gender or any other condition humanity wants to put in our way.  You are a person of value and we want to know you.

we are truly desiring to be a community with pure motives - and we desire to be Christians with pure motives.


john o'keefe





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