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the 10 commitments


most of us have heard of the 10 commandments.  This is punk monkey's little twist, he call it "the 10 commitments."  punk monkey agonized over each one, as far as a punk monkey can agonize that is, and prayed over each and every one. he knows you can add to them and he hopes you will.  remember nothing that he write is set in stone, read it and add to it.  


commit your life to God - Hebrews 12:3 - this is central to who we are as Christians.  we tend to commit to work, to family, to friends, to other activities and some even commit to their church- but God wants to be first in our lives - even above your church.


commit to keeping your faith in Christ alive and exciting - Jude 20-23 - too many Christians today are just boring and filled with a lack-luster faith.  they do nothing to keep their faith alive and exciting.  some suggestions to keep your faith alive - get into a good theological debate with a friend, or read a book that simply rips a whole in your understanding of God - how about this, share Christ with those who do not know of him.  what ever it takes, put life back into your faith.


commit to studying God's word - 2 Timothy 3:16 - did you know that almost 55% of evangelical Christians do not study or read God's word?  join a study, get a study, carry a copy with you - listen to it on tape or cd - get into God's word.  don't just say you know - know.


commit to worship - Psalm 22:19 - when was the last time you worshiped?  Not, when was the last time you were in church - when did you last worship God?  most simply attend worship for one hour on sunday, without thinking that we need to be in worship everyday, every moment - we need to worship in truth and spirit 24/7/365.  when was the last time you sought the reality of God in your life?


commit to living holy - 2 Thessalonians 2:13 - this does not mean living a law filled life.  the law will do nothing for you - living a life filled with "rules" and "don'ts" is not living a holy life; it is living a lost life.  living a holy lifestyle means allowing the Holy Spirit to live in you, and direct your life at every point - when was the last time you prayed about a move in your life.


commit to each other - Romans 12:10 - everyone is connected.  each of us needs to be part of the lives of others, and we need to commit to each other.  if a person from your church needed a ride home at 2:00 am, would you pick them up if they called you?  are they able to call you - do they know your number?


commit to your church - Psalm 122:1 - attend, work and get involved in your church.  speak kindly of it's leaders and pastors.  speak kindly of all the church has to offer, and can offer - work, with grace and love, to support all it does, and change what needs changing.


commit to being involved in your church - James 2:17 - get involved and get dirty.  get into a ministry, don't only seek leadership positions, seek a working position.  don't complain about what is wrong in the church, but work in love and grace to fix it.  it is wrong to simply be a leader, you must be a servant - must, not an option.


commit to christian service - 1 Corinthians 12:5-6 - outside of the church, where do you get connected?  where do you get involved?  are you involved in the PTA?  golfing? softball? why not get connected to a group that feeds the hungry?  how about helping build a home for a person in need?  get involved in a christian organization that makes a difference in the lives of others.


commit to starting a revolution - Romans 12:2 - radically change the world around you - commit to being a started in the revolution and get out there and change the world.  don't just sit there at home complaining, get off your bum and get into the fight - make a core change for Christ, and a radical change in the world around you.





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