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 we have placed the studies in the order they appear in the scripture.  we "quote" based on the following format.  book or letter, section (large number), line (as appears in a traditional bible); page you will find the scripture in the message - we like the idea of the page - it forces us to read what comes before and after, and not just a single line.  all our studies are offered in biblical context.  this means we try hard not to take a line and make it a rule - it's an all or nothing thing for us.


section 3:

lines 1-9; page 344 in the message:  did you ever play football, basketball or soccer?  did you ever play a "team" sport?  team sports are fascinating because they require people to work together; each with their own responsibility and talent.  i played high school ball, and i can remember one time we, the team, were arguing over who had the most important position on the team - it all started because of quarterback envy - and quarterback big head.  the coach decided to teach us a lesson in team play.  he divided the team into our practice teams and reassigned all our position.  i was a tackle, now made a runner - and i was not built for running.  our quarterbacks (we had three) were assigned different positions and we had to play against each other - with the winners getting "burger blitz" at our favorite hangout.  like i said, i was a tackle - a large tackle - and food was a great motivator for me.    well, needless to say, the game was a complete joke - with neither side scoring after one hour of play - we all called it quits.  we learned that each person on the team had a valued position that they were good at, and none of us could fill the shoes of the other.  we became a stronger team because we understood that individually we may have been talented, but together we were unstoppable.  when we realized that we use our talents for the whole team, giving our best - we stood out as great players.


in today's reading, we see the church at corinth going through the same stuff - bickering, jealousy, backstabbing and arguing.  blaming others for their problems and causing more problems then anyone else.  people claiming to follow one, and not the other; people saying one has the answer, but not the other.  and paul's response to all this - center on God and not on another man.  remember that christ died for you, not paul and not apollo.  center on God doing the growing.




this is where life starts to get interesting 

 the book of 1 corinthians






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