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over time we are all faced with the hard questions of faith.  this section is designed to share dialog on those hard questions.  sometimes we may not have a direct answer - and we will post just that.  sometimes, we may have differing points of view, and we will post that also - if you have ever been faced with a hard question of faith, email it to us and let us debate it and see what comes up.


"How can Jesus be both human and God?"


i remember when i was a kid grouping up, my mother always gave us a choice.   we could select from either a milky way or skittles.  i personally hated that i had to choose - i wanted them both, and i could not see why i could not have both.  you see, when people give me a choice between jesus being human or being God - i have the same reaction, why must i choose?  the poet lord byron was a man who was an agnostic at best and an atheist at worse, said this concerning the divinity of jesus christ:  "if ever man was God, or God was man, jesus christ was both."


for me, it is natural to think of jesus as both God and man.  just as my nature is to be a father and husband, both are not exclusive of each other nor are they separate.  in a postmodern world, compartmentalizing life is impossible.  in a modern world, compartmentalizing is acceptable, and encouraged.  but placing things into neat little packs we can work with is just not right.  yes, it is hard to see jesus as both man and God, but that was his nature.  in colossians (2:9) paul writes, "for in christ all the fullness of God lives in bodily form."  




pastor john




this is where life starts to get interesting 

the hard questions






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