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  GINKWORLD: communities of faith  



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churches are listed by city



Anderson Contemporary Worship - Church of God, Anderson Contemporary worship



lighthouse family church - We are a community who strives together to follow in the way of Jesus. We are an inclusive family who see Isa 58 as our mandate as people who seek justice for everyone. Our goal is to bring the Kingdom of God to our city.


moore - we suck less



south metro church - building people, making disciples, making a difference – where real life is lived.

jacob's well - a christian community worshipping, loving and moving together with God to make a difference in the world.


oklahoma city

westmore community church - are you tired of the fake, phony and the superficial?  at wcc we seek to be real with each other and not act like everything is okay in our lives. (sorry, no perfect people allowed)

entheos - in GOD  - Northview Community Church is a group of believers devoted to leading people in unique ways to the living Christ [small groups] [missional] [egroups]

fusion - Fusion Church, Merging God & Life.



Solid Rock Church - Tulsa - Our goal is to become a biblically functioning community where there's transformational teaching, committed relationships, genuine prayer and worship, humble servanthood, help for the poor.

Rivendell Fellowship - A waypoint on the journey for community, faith, sharing and to be sent out. [small groups] [missional] 



vineyard community church - an ultra-casual, ultra-contemporary atmosphere, which seeks to portray the kindness of God in creative, fun, and visual ways





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