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  GINKWORLD: communities of faith  



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churches are listed by city


ann arbor

Frontline Church - Ann Arbor - Our mission is to establish a community that God can use to transform the hearts and lives of people in Ann Arbor and beyond for His glory.

RiverEdge Community Church - RiverEdge is a non-denominational church in Ann Arbor that exists to reach people who are searching for answers, but have given up on "traditional" church. We do this through exciting music, creative drama, stimulating multimedia, and relevant messages.


TheCurrent The Current exists to train compassionate followers of Jesus Christ to impact our world and show genuine love to our community  while providing a culturally relevant place of  worship for emerging generations.


the urban christian center - We're a scruffy postmodern church in Eastpointe Michigan. Our worship gatherings are on Sunday nights. We'll give you free coffee if you come visit. 



flushing community -We exist to share Christ with our community and equip believers within our congregation in creative, contemporary, credible and caring ways. 


grand haven 

watermark - Watermark's mission is: "Being the Church. Making Disciples." With coffee breaks in the middle of our gatherings we value life together and impacting our local community. Watermark is interactive and is built on Life Groups. We have gatherings on Sundays at 10 am. 


grand rapids/kentwood/hudsonville

centrepointe a young, creative community of faith, dedicated to truth, relevance, worship, service, and relationships. 

mosaic life - We are an emerging urban multi-racial community of Jesus followers, committed to live by faith, to be known by love, and to be a instrument of hope in a fragmented world.

water's edge - We're trying to understand and embody what it means to live as missional/'sent people' in the greater Grand Rapids area (hudsonville). We're connected with the emergent village conversation, and we're influenced by people such as Todd Hunter, Dallas Willard, Brian McLaren, N.T. Wright, as well as many others. 



Westwinds Community Church - Utilizing ambience aesthetics WCC provides a multi-layer postmodern worship experience where life development is the focus 



Threads Church - We are not as beautiful alone. Threads is a non-denominational community of Christ followers among the postmoderns in the Kalamazoo, MI area. We are experiencing God as He weaves together many different and diverse people into a beautiful tapestry. 



the green house @ trinity church - a worship community of young adults seeking to engage God through music, Scripture, prayer and relationships while engaging the culture in which we live. 

Enoch's Path - Enoch's Path is a faith community that strives to live God centered lives in the way of Jesus. Join us on our journey.



relevant church - Relevant Church is a community where you will find connection, teaching that talks about the real world, music with heart, stories you can relate to.



lifepointecommunity - LifePointe Community is a relevant, non-traditional, life-changing, fun-filled church.



Vineyard Christian Fellowship - The Vineyard is a casual church where openness, and acceptance allows people from diverse backgrounds to mature in their faith and commitment to Christ. A place where people are real, the hospitality is genuine, and God can be encountered.



Church of Our Saviour in Negaunee, Michigan - Negaunee - "Church of Our Saviour in Negaunee, Michigan offers Love, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Help, Hope, Spiritual Guidance & Encouragement."



The Bridge - Pontiac - A Modern 1st Century Church!



Kalamazoo Valley Family Church - We are a non-denominational church that has a place just for you!We offer various areas to minister to you such as, young adults, singles, marrieds, business persons, youth, children. Come check us out 9a & 10:45a on Sundays. We have a coffee house for young adults that is open Wed, Fri & Sat from 7p-11p!



The Urban Christian Center - Church for the 21st Century


royal oak

Genesis-The Church - Troy - Seeking to be a safe place for all people to take the next step in their journey with Christ. ordinary people seeking to be part of something that is Christ-centered, God-sized, Spirit-led, & love-driven 


South Lyon

crossroads community church  - we have a desire to "let God's kingdom come in our lives and beyond."  We strive for authentic community and our worship gatherings are image rich and participatory.



metro south church - a modern church that works!  modeled after "axis" at "willow creek" or "722" at "north pointe" but not intended for just the 18-20 something crowd.  we are a full body church that has a totally "gen-x/postmodern" flavor.



CrossRoads Community Church - Temperance - An arts intensive seeker targeted postmodern community of faith in Temperance, Michigan a northern suburb of Metro Toledo, OH.



first wes - Reaching the lost and broken in our region and leading them into a fully-devoted relationship with Jesus Christ.





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