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  GINKWORLD: VOICES: stories  



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fred, and the looking glass


fred was lonely.  each morning he would wake-up and stare at the world around him.  he would press his face against the glass and wish he could participate in all he saw.  he saw the local kids playing and he wanted to be in on the games.  oh, don't get me wrong, the children were kind to fred and they would wave at him and talk with him whenever they saw his face plastered against the glass, but for him it just was not the same - he wanted in on life.


one day, while watching the local kids playing baseball, fred let his imagination go wild.  he dreamed of what it would be like to run on grass, to roll in the dirt, to catch a ball and to run and laugh outside in the fresh air - but his condition just would not allow it to happen.  after each day dream, and snap to reality, fred would hang his head sadly and go about his daily routine.  every so often, he would peek out to see what was happening.  over time fred's desires grew.


as he peered into the forbidden world, he noticed changes he could only dream about.  he wondered what it would feel like to have snow hit his face?  what did the leaves feel like?  did they change texture, and they changed color?  he wondered if snow had taste?  each day that passed, each dream he had, would make it worse.  he tried.  he would spend days not looking outside but that just seemed to make it worse.  each passing day made him sadder about his condition, his "handicap," and tears would well up inside him and he dreamed of doing the impossible.


one day, while fred was watching some local boys playing baseball and dreaming about getting dirty, his wish came true.  one of the boys throw the ball, too fast, and too hard.  "SMASH" - with one hit the glass was broken, soon fred found himself "outside" but his joy soon turned to sorrow.  remember, it doesn't take long for a goldfish to die when he's out of the water.


sometimes. the world we desire is not the world we can live in.  






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