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Fusion Worship

(Spirit and Truth in post-modern worship)

by Frank J. Nihart

This article appeared in the most recent issue of Creator magazine


The post-modern world is filled with Christian and non-Christian seekers.  The invention of each new technological marvel issues a countering thirst for knowledge and purpose in the heart of man.  Man was created in God’s likeness.  Man was made to have a relationship with his Creator.  Man was made to worship.  The culture of post-modernity is asking the eternal question of humanity: “If there is a God, how can I know Him?”  The quest is for more than just knowledge.  There is a thirst for experience, for a felt realness of God.


The quest is not unique to non-Christians.  Christians are asking similar questions:  “How can I know and experience God in a fuller, more complete and personal way?”  The answer lies in plurality: Spirit and Truth.  Worship is impossible without the Holy Spirit.  Worship is impossible without truth.  The worship history of Christianity has evolved through a panorama of extremes from chant to multimedia.  Post-modern worship draws fully from this history to meld Spirit with Truth.   The desire to know God can be fully satisfied.  If we thirst for God with all our hearts, we will find Him. (JER 29:13)


Post-modern worship is fusion worship.    It looks through all windows of the past and present in order to give God the most possibilities.  The mindset of post-modernity is rangy and inquisitive.  Post-moderns want to know and feel, to know reality through truth.  Truth is not accepted until it is tested.  But, truth must ultimately be accepted.  Post-modern God-worshippers who know the truth want to express it spiritually.  Jesus Christ said that He is the truth (JN 14:6).  He said He would send the Holy Spirit to guide in truth (JN 14:15-17).  Fusion worship expresses truth through emotion.  Fusion worship is holistic and multi-dynamic.  Most importantly, fusion worship is worship in Spirit and Truth. 


Fusion worship is broad in practice, narrow in purpose, inclusive in participation, complete and pure in content, flexible in format, inexhaustible in style, and culturally diversified.  It is God centered, Spirit filled, and scripture based, theologically sound, and historically reliant.  It invites creativity and freshness expressed through ancient process.  It is artistic and monotonous, complex and simplistic, ancient and modern, antique and technological, spontaneous and prescribed, planned and flexible, disturbing and comfortable, mysterious and understandable.


It chants and sings, prays and preaches, heals and dances, gives and takes, eats and drinks the body and blood.  It gathers the people, preaches the Word, celebrates the covenant and commissions the Body.  It fosters corporate-ness and individuality, body and parts.  It inculcates privacy and publicity.  It requires loving and obedient living resulting in intentional participation.


It begins with God and ends with God. Its purpose is the glory of the Triune God and optimum interaction between Him and His worshippers.  The result is changed lives: faith, forgiveness, strength, conviction, salvation, freedom, peace, hope, love, power, trust, patience, endurance, assurance, fellowship, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, healing, self-control and the coming of His kingdom on earth.








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