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tame the monster

to provide helpful outlets and resources for you to use your own gifts to make the world a better place, believing that you will be transformed through your own participation.

buy nothing day

the marketing mind-games, and the frantic consumer-binge that's become our culture; we paused; we made a small choice not to shop. We shrank our footprint and gained some calm. Together we said to Exxon, Nike, Coke and the rest: enough is enough. And we helped build this movement to rethink our unsustainable course.

portal ministries

Emergent meets urban resource for churches in relationship with diverse people groups. worship.

god bless benin

T-shirt ministry for the people of Benin, West Africa

timothy ministries

Christian Training Worldwide

::social action


doing a "180" is putting others before yourself and also a willingness to be counter cultural.